by CAR Engineering | Sep 24, 2015 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
Welcome John Jackson- QC Engineer CAR is pleased to announce the newest member of its management team, QC Engineer John Jackson. John comes to CAR with over 22 years of experience in the manufacturing industry and machine shop environment. He started his career as a...
by CAR Engineering | Jul 1, 2015 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
Yvette Rogers Pagano Featured as “Woman To Watch” Hello loyal newsletter readers and welcome to the Q2 2015 edition of the CAR newsletter. Our first story is a link to our local paper the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Every Tuesday they feature a “Woman To Watch”...
by CAR Engineering | Feb 23, 2015 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
CAR Engineering is now TS 16949 Certified Hello loyal newsletter readers and welcome to our 1st publication of the CAR newsletter in 2015. We are pleased and proud to announce that we are now TS 16949 certified. We have been ISO 9001:2008 certified since 2006 but...
by CAR Engineering | Oct 3, 2014 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
CAR sets new all-time record month (July) It is hard to believe that we are wrapping up the 3rd quarter already. In fact we have been so busy we are behind with our newsletter as it is now a few days into Q4. CAR is pleased and proud to announce that we shattered our...
by CAR Engineering | Jun 24, 2014 | CAR Engineering Updates, Newsletter
CAR Gets Mazak Nexus 530C II Mill With Pallet Changer CAR has added capacity and expanded its capabilities once again with the addition of our newest piece of equipment the Mazak Nexus mill. This state of the art CNC machine has all the bells and whistles including...
by CAR Engineering | May 30, 2014 | CAR Engineering Updates, Uncategorized
Monroe Community College recently highlighted tool and tie manufacturing as an exciting, open career field that many students are taking advantage of. CAR Engineering and Manufacturing was highlighted for the opportunities it offers in this...
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